Natural Help for Hyperhidrosis


Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating of the body. The excessive sweating experienced with hyperhidrosis far exceeds normal sweating. In some people who have hyperhidrosis, the sweat literally drips off their hands. In a normal person, when their body temperature rises, the nervous system automatically triggers the sweat glands. But for those who have hyperhidrosis, the sweat glands become overactive and call for more perspiration even when the nervous system is not triggered.

Hyperhidrosis usually affects the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and underarms.
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Natural Help:

Consider your food intake. Avoid foods that promote sweating and offer hot and warm properties.



Sage Herb
Sage’s constituents have a normalizing effect on both the sweat glands and the nervous system. Sage can also strengthen the body's metabolism and glandular function. Sage can control night sweats and excessive perspiration. Results should show within 2-3 weeks.

Witch Hazel


Tea Tree essential Oil
Tea Tree Essential Oil can help with any skin fungus issues that have come from excessive perspiration.
Clary Sage Essential Oil for Sleep Hyperhydrosis
Clary Sage can be used, but keep in mind that Clary Sage tends to have more of a nervine and sedative and is recommended to use only at night. It also has a high emmenagogue effect and should not be used during pregnancy or if heavy menstrual bleeding is present. 

Natural Deodorant:
A person with hyperhidrosis tends to use very strong deodorants that may harm the body further. By making your own deodorant, you have the ability to control and treat excessive sweating on the spot, and it can be used in conjunction with internal remedies.
